The new rule strengthens a previous prohibition against a player using the crown of his helmet to deliver a blow to an opponent. That restriction rarely was enforced. The new rule says: "It is a foul if a player lowers his head to initiate and make contact with his helmet against an opponent.".

I also do some public speaking, often on how university coaches can improve their sport psychology skills, but increasingly I've been asked to discuss how sports can be made more inclusive environments for gay and lesbian athletes. Knowing this, I have tried to help coaches promote the positive aspects of sport, making it more inclusive and enjoyable for their athletes. I've also tried to help them understand how they inadvertently make the lives of their athletes miserable.
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"There's a long standing history of the NFL not dealing with these workplace inequalities," said New York Assemblywoman Nily Rozic, who has introduced legislation to improve conditions for cheerleaders. "I think finally they have to confront it. The social and political discourse in this country right now is such that there's no way around it.". 


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